Montana State P.E.O.
Women Helping Women Reach for the Stars
P.E.O. is a Philanthropic Educational Organization.
Our educational projects help women reach for the stars.
There are 3,285 members of P.E.O. in Montana. They are part of a women’s organization with 192,141 members in the United States and Canada chapters. This Philanthropic Educational Organization has financially assisted over 125,000 women pursuing educational opportunities since 1907. Learn more about P.E.O. on our International website.
Prospective Applicants:
Check out the links to the right to find out about our International and state-specific projects (that’s what we call our loan, scholarship, and award programs) to see if you qualify for one. All projects, except the International Peace Scholarship, require sponsorship by a local P.E.O. chapter. Once you pick the project(s) you think you are best qualified for; you may talk to any P.E.O. you know or contact the Montana State Chapter Vice President using the form found here. She will put you in contact with a P.E.O. chapter in your community.